So often our homes can become places where we have accumulated too much stuff.
Treasured items are not seen, hidden away in lofts or in drawers and are then forgotten about. Sometimes important documents are misplaced especially when we need them and this can cause unnecessary stress. We can become time poor and then decluttering or simply tidying our homes can take second place.
I will work with you as I feel that sharing a task is so much easier and faster than doing it alone.
I can take away items you no longer want and as we move away from a 'throwaway society' your pre-loved items become someone else's loved items!
Sometimes it can be so difficult and emotional to sort through the death of a loved one's possessions, it is never an easy task but I will help and support you through this process.
No one is exempt from clutter in our homes, (yes me too!) but I know and understand the benefit of getting rid of things and having a good old sort out!
So do send me an email via the contact page and I will arrange to come and visit your home for a free consultation where we can discuss your project over a cup of coffee, it would be a pleasure to come and help you!